Thursday, December 22, 2011

Three Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi Safely |

Sensitive information you transmit over Wi-Fi can be literally "sniffed" from the airwaves by a nearby snoop using readily available software and equipment. What's more, hackers could trick you into connecting to their computer by making it appear to be a legitimate Wi-Fi hotspot

Friday, November 11, 2011

App Store - Test Wizard Mobile

App Store - Test Wizard Mobile:
Test Wizard Mobile® is a revolutionary new mobile assessment app for students using Apple and Android smart phones and tablets. This app was developed to bring the robust content and student online assessment and reporting capabilities of without having to be connected to the Internet!
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

State Of Young America: Indebted And Dubious Of Attaining American Dream

State Of Young America: Indebted And Dubious Of Attaining American Dream:

NEW YORK -- Five years ago, when TiffanyAnn Johnson first embarked on her dream of a college education, her parents agreed to shoulder a majority of the costs associated with getting a degree.

But soon after, the financial collapse decimated her father's mortgage business, forcing her family of four to learn to subsist on her mother's meager salary.

With two college-aged children, the added cost of higher education quickly proved more than her one-income family could afford.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

We make an easy-to-use photo editing API for web and mobile developers.

Aviary has made a name for itself over the years with its powerful photo editing – and other tools – and API for the Web and mobile.

Today, they’re somewhat changing course, business-wise, henceforth focusing primarily on serving the broad developer community with software development kits (SDKs).

Using their SDKs, iOS and Android app developers can add photo editing features such as cropping, sharpening, red-eye removal, filters and effects and whatnot to their applications. Aviary says support for the iPad is underway, and that its SDK is 100% compatible with the forthcoming iOS 5.

Both the iPhone and the Android SDK are free to use and implement. Developers have the ability to customize the photo editing functionality so it fits their apps’ look and feel.

Aviary is launching its new SDKs with 30+ partners in tow. The company has also made a significant hire, attracting former Microsoft Chief of Staff Paul Murphy to head up its partnership efforts as their new VP of Business Development.
Launch partners include picplz, Minus, Snapr, Fashism, Getaround, Pixable and Fotobabble.


We make an easy-to-use photo editing API for web and mobile developers, so you can focus on making your app great... and your users on making their photos perfect...

Everything that runs Windows 8 is a PC

Over the past two days, I’ve been working with a prototype Windows 8 tablet – really a PC – and finding that instead of a disappointing mish-mash of Windows XP and some strange touch UI that the Windows Metro/desktop system is actually quite cool and quite intuitive. The next Windows 8 is, in one way, nothing like the Windows versions that came before and, in other ways, an iterative improvement over what we know as the Windows Desktop.

There is no post-PC world. Everything that runs Windows 8 is a PC. That’s right – this tablet is a PC. In one way, this nomenclature allows Microsoft to avoid the “better than iPad” argument entirely and, on the other hand, it’s an ingenious way for the company to invigorate the faltering desktop market.

The cloud is serious. Microsoft has invested quite a bit of time and effort into their cloud systems. For example, chats held in Microsoft Messenger will be persistent from computer to computer. Profile pictures on your login screen will appear on every machine you log into. Security is granular – your data is safe on the machine or can appear in the cloud. It’s your – or your IT department’s – choice.

Anyone can be a programmer. You can build a usable app in HTML5 and Javscript that will run on Windows 8 and, presumably, Windows Phone. Like iOS, Windows is the DNA of a new breed of device, one that uses the core code that we’re used to and expands – or contracts – it as usual.

Windows isn’t huge anymore. Because of the cloud, Windows can actually boot off of a USB key. Obviously there are some very specific reasons to boot off of a USB drive, but it’s cool because it can. Windows now exposes different APIs based on the hardware on which it’s running which makes it work on ARM machines as well as the fastest x86 processor on the market.

There are other ways to work. Windows 8 supports pens, handwriting, touch and, presumably, voice, dance, and song as inputs. You can, for example, add a mouse and keyboard and have a great PC or you can carry the device around for Windows on the go. The device we tested, obviously, has a huge, weirdly-sized screen but otherwise it is a perfectly serviceable workhorse.
Like it or not, Microsoft owns a massive part of the PC business. Is Windows 8 perfect (at least in this early incarnation?) absolutely not. But this version is very… interesting. I love Metro. It’s a fascinating rethinking of the Windows Phone interface and is very similar to Lion’s LaunchPad and Mission Control views. It’s jarring to see the device dump back into standard Windows mode – all of the windows, icons, and buttons look sad and forlorn next to Metro.

This is Windows 8. There’s nothing we can do about it. It’s aimed at consumers, it’s touch-enabled from the ground up, and its an exciting departure from the old. The compromises made by Microsoft in this release – the reliance on old windowing methods is the most glaring – but it’s clear that the cloud access, the new touch interface including handwriting and finger-based UI handling, and all of the improvements, including the slow destruction of the legacy Registry – are all the right way to go.

Plenty of people will be quite comfortable and excited about this OS. Plenty of IT guys face push-back, exasperation, and clamoring to return to the original way of doing things. In the end, Microsoft will win. It’s hard to maneuver a juggernaut, but when its moving don’t stand in its way.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


喬布斯1976年成立蘋果公司,跟拍檔翌年推出被視為人類首部個人電腦的Apple II.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

new..TomTom Discovers Apps, Puts Twitter, Yelp And More In The Go Live 1535 M PND

Ladies and germs, this is the Go Live 1535 M, which according to TomTom, is the first PND with connected apps. That claim may not exactly be true, but the Go Live 1535 M does have an impressive — that is, impressive for a GPS — set of non-standard functions through a variety of apps such as Twitter, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Expedia. These are in addition to TomTom’s VIA connected services that includes fuel prices, weather and Google Local Search.

The personal navigation device market has lost much of its thunder the last few years. These apps are the sort of functions that could have at least temporarily slowed the transfer of power to the smartphones regime. But alas, the Go Live 1535 M is hitting a few years too late with a crazy-high price.

Most of the apps are what you’d expect. Yelp and TripAdvisor, well, advise travelers on restaurants and different locations. The Twitter apps is gimped and only functions as a sort of auto-tweeting device, automatically sending out a tweet or check-in once you arrive at a location; you can’t read tweets on the device.
The new Go Live 1535 is expected later this year for $299. The already-released 2535 M will get the apps through a firmware update at a later time. The device, thanks to its price, is likely to only satisfy a very niche market as consumers who are actually interested in apps likely have a smartphone that can pull double duty.

The Official Bluetooth SIG Member Website

The Official Bluetooth SIG Member Website:

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PowerInbox | Your emails, more useful.

PowerInbox | Your emails, more useful.:

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Epic 4G | TechCrunch

Epic 4G | TechCrunch

Android vs. iOS: The Heated Battle Over Mobile Advertising [Infographic]

And it looks like it’s pretty hard to declare a winner at this point; both platforms are pushing ahead in different areas. The infographic compares iOS and Android, just to clarify some terms, on: Effective cost per mille (eCPM), which measures the revenue a developer makes per every 1000 impressions of an ad in their app, click through rate (CTR), or the percentage of ad impressions that generate a click, and global fill rate, the percentage of ad impressions that were populated by an ad.

When it comes to effectiveness, both are close, but iOS edges out Android for the victory, just as it does in CTR — whereas Android takes the cake both in global fill rate and average app life cycle.
inneractive also recently published an infographic on Nokia’s attempted come-back, which you can see here.
But without further ado, Android vs. iOS:

Video: Panasonic Shows Android-Powered E-Book Reader/Tablet Hybrid | TechCrunch

Video: Panasonic Shows Android-Powered E-Book Reader/Tablet Hybrid | TechCrunch

Friday, July 29, 2011

HTC Status Goes Up For Pre-Order On AT&T | TechCrunch

HTC Status Goes Up For Pre-Order On AT&T | TechCrunch

Facebook是最大的社交网站,以及世界。但不是在中国。 Facebook和Twitter是由中国长城防火墙的封锁。微博客服务新浪微博在中国的鞭子。 HTC知道它的市场,因此,稍微改良后的 状态/莎莎 针对中国市场。飘的是Facebook的标志,而不是一个微波烧眼睛标志的专用按钮。

其余手机似乎不变。 2.1姜饼和一个800MHz的CPU上运行的HTC Sense。有一个3.4英寸480 × 320屏幕,铝制车身和一个500万像素的摄像头。宏达只是改变了一个小按钮为不同的市场。


Get pretty much anything done by awesome people | TaskRabbit

Get pretty much anything done by awesome people | TaskRabbit

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Flingo最终目标是合并电视和网络,允许像福克斯,Showtime和Etsy的65人的媒体合作伙伴建立的应用程序,集成。此外Flingo 顶部平台和其气垫船含量的检测算法的基础上,其自己的应用程序,允许各种增加用户交互。 “每场演出的一个口语化的光泽”是如何纳文所描述的那样,“我认为我们与智能电视做的是增加了一层情报。”
随着这些应用程序,Flingo平台提供了一个功能,称为 一扔, 它允许用户“扔”或推入他们的电视屏幕和手机使用一扔书签的内容从他们的浏览器。用户还可以使用书签在Twitter到Facebook上分享的内容。

Friday, July 1, 2011

a startup that develops sleek social photo creation and categorization tools for Facebook

Today Pixable, a startup that develops sleek social photo creation and categorization tools for Facebook and other photo sharing sites, is releasing its own photo sharing infographic focused on photo-sharing and the ‘hard knock’ life of a photo on Facebook.

Pixable’s service, which has 800,000 users, allows people to use of all their Facebook and image sharing site photo content like captions, tagging information, comments, and birthdays to make albums, slideshows, calendars and nor artwork. Pixable’s browser-based simplifies the creation of albums, making it easy to use for anyone. One of Pixable’s early applications was a nifty tool that allows you to make mosaics of your Facebook photos.

The infographic takes a look at the life of a Facebook photo based on whether you took the photo with a film camera, digital camera, mobile phone or a new version of the iPad.

Pixable also recently took a data dive on Facebook profile photos, revealing that 10 percent of all Facebook photos are profile pics. And the number of profile photos uploaded per user has tripled since 2006. On average, the typical profile photo has 2 likes and 2 comments.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


With 2 Million Downloads Under Its Belt, Appsfire Raises $3.6 Million Series A.There are literally hundreds of thousands of iPhone, iPad and Android apps to choose from, and yet finding good apps is far from easy. App discovery and recommendations is a fertile niche where a few startups are fighting for mindshare. After being downloaded more than 2 million times, app discovery startup Appsfire closed a $3.6 million series A, led by French VC firm IDinvest. (Appsfire is based in Paris and Tel Aviv, and was co-founded by Ouriel Ohayon, who used to be the editor of TechCrunch France).

Appsfire crossed 1 million downloads in February, and then the 2-million mark in May. Ohayon says its various apps for the iPhone, Android, iPad, and kid’s apps is generating 3 million leads to app developers each month. Appsfire lets you share your favorite apps with your friends via the web, your mobile device, or Facebook

Previously, in February, 2010, company raised a seed round from a group of French angel investors including Marc Simoncini (CEO of dating site, Jacques-Antoine Granjon (CEO of, Xavier Niel (CEO of French ISP Free), and entrepreneur and angel investor Jean-David Blanc, as well as Lerer Ventures.

3 Nifty iPhone Apps For News Consumption On The Go

3 Nifty iPhone Apps For News Consumption On The Go

Monday, May 30, 2011

an eBay Motors iPhone app.

It’s no secret that eBay has been pushing a significant mobile strategy of late, and today the company is rolling out a new app in its mobile family—an eBay Motors iPhone app.
eBay said it made sense to launch a dedicated app for the Motors vertical (one of the company’s strongest auction place verticals) , which sells cars, parts and accessories, because the volume of purchases made via eBay’s main mobile apps. Currently, 90,000 parts and accessories and 2,000 cars are purchased per week globally from eBay’s general mobile apps.

The free app allows users to search for, bid on or buy anything from parts to accessories to cars from the app. Via a “My Garage” feature, users can add favorite cars and parts to a wish list. Using Red Laser’s barcode scanning technology (which eBay acquired last year), users can scan any Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to automatically add car details including year, make and model to My Garage. From My Garage, car owners can shop the eBay Motors inventory to find matching parts and accessories for their specific vehicles in My Garage.

The app allows you to access vehicle history information with free Experian AutoCheck Vehicle History Reports, save searches for vehicles, ask sellers questions from the app, and share listings with Facebook, Twitter or email.,eBay expects the additional functionality in the mobile app to continue to buoy sales of cars via the marketplace. For eBay, motors is a vertical that is growing in terms of sales. The total amount of vehicles sold via mobile in the first quarter of 2011 increased more than 160% compared to first quarter of 2010. And globally, the total number of parts and accessories sold in the first quarter of 2011 was nearly 250% higher than the first quarter of 2010.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Sprint- All Together Now

Sprint- All Together Now

Online Stock Brokerage - Low Cost Stock Trades & Options Trades - Zecco Trading

Beyond trading specific stocks, say that you want to search for wider market trends, Zecco’s app allows you to not only get free quotes and charts on any number of stocks or ETFs, but also lists of the previous day’s most actively and widely-held stocks, so that you can see how risky or safe a stock is compared to others in the market. The app looks great and seems very easy to use. It may take some time for people to get used to the idea of making stock trades on Facebook, considering many people tend not to use the social networking site for financial services, but I think it’s pretty neat that stock trading and free market data has finally come to Facebook — now I can stalk ex-girlfriends and trade my ETFs in one fell swoop. Now, that is something worth writing home about.

Great Value – No Compromises

Great pricing on stock and options trades, powerful trading tools, great customer service and a ground-breaking financial community. It doesn't get any better than that.

B&N Unleashes A New Nook: Touchscreen E-Ink, 2 Month Battery, $139

B&N Unleashes A New Nook: Touchscreen E-Ink, 2 Month Battery, $139



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Docstoc Goes Mobile; Membawa Premium Dokumen Berbagi Untuk iPad

Docstoc, an online document sharing site that caters primarily to small businesses and professionals, is unveiling its first mobile app today with the launch of its iPad app today—Docstoc Premium.
The iPad App, which is free, includes access to documents that are shared on the platform, including both premium and free content. Users have access to over 10,000 business and professional documents, and can also search and download over 20 million library documents. Content includes company business plans, proposal letters, real estate purchase forms, LLC operating agreements, marketing plans,and more. You can also integrate your saved, bookmarked and uploaded documents from the web on the app through your account.

Within the app, you can upgrade to access premium content (for $9.95 per month) from Docstoc. The startup has been making a big push towards premium content, launching a marketplace for professional documents, as well as books from premium publishers. Docstoc co-founder Jason Nazar says the iPad app gives users access to over 3000-plus high quality legal and business contracts, forms, guides, and templates as well.

This is actually Docstoc’s first mobile app, which is surprising considering that the startup has been around since 2007 (Docstoc launched at TechCrunch40 in 2007). But Nazar says an Android app is currently in the works and the company is ramping up mobile development. And the startup, which faces competition from Scribd and SlideShare, is growing in terms is usage. A year ago, Docstoc has around 3 million users and today the site has 11 million registered users.

Pengasas OpenTable Luncurkan OhSoWe, Rangkaian Untuk Persekitaran

OpenTable’s co-founder Chuck Templeton is launching his latest venture today—OhSoWe. The site essentially aims to bring together neighborhoods. It’s sort of like an online version of a block association.

On the site, users can create a “neighborstead,” to form a block club, neighborhood association or a neighbor-based organization. People have to create profiles and join the site (there’s no Facebook integration). To join the site, you enter your address, and OhSoWe will automatically show you neighborhood activity near your home. People can message each other, post notices, organize meetings, and more.

The idea behind OhSoWe is to encourage sharing between neighbors, whether it be food, offering skills (like gardening, handy work), transportation or babysitting. Templeton tells me that currently, there really isn’t a way for neighbors to communicate with each other in a group setting besides via email.

One feature that is noticeably missing in the site is a deeper Facebook integration. It seems that it would be much easier to import my social graph from the network as opposed to creating it on OhSoWe. And users could create groups on Facebook around their neighborhood. That being said, I agree with Templeton that there is a need for a more interactive neighborhood-focused communications app that trumps email. Perhaps OhSoWe is the answer.

The Former Yahoo And Myspace Execs Raise $3M For Small Demons

Small Demons, a stealth LA- based startup founded by former Yahoo Product VPs Valla Vakili and Tony Amidei has just raised $3 million in Series A funding, according to an SEC form filed today. While Vaklili and Amidei and the only people listed on the form, the company is rounded out by former Myspace Data Architect Christa Stelzmuller and former Myspace VP of Data Hala Al-Adwan.

While the Small Demons homepage says its launched in alpha, there are no other accompanying details that would reveal what the startup actually does.

At one point the company’s slogan was “Unlocking the world’s stories” and its Twitter profile slogan read, “When you love something so much you want to experience everything attached to it.” Its terms of service also talks about incorporating user generated content, so I’m guessing this is a some kind of content/news aggregating play. I won’t know for sure until one of the multiple people I’ve contacted get back to me.

According to Trendslate, both Vakili and Amidei worked together on another aggregator while both at Yahoo, lending credence to the aggregation theory.

The Lockitron web app

Ever wish you could just call your keys? Well the Ycombinator-backed Lockitron aims to replace physical keys entirely by letting you control your door lock with your phone. The Lockitron  web app and hardware package are as of today available for general users, for a one time fee of between $295 to $500.

Instead of using relatively unreliable wifi, the service works by utilizing a plug server and ethernet cable tied to an electronic lock. Your smartphone talks to the server controlling the lock via the web which means that you can control the lock from wherever you are. Lockitron also has an NFC option if you’ve got a Nexus S or are planning on buying a iPhone 5 if/when NFC happens. The system works with both deadbolt and handle locks.

While the Lockitron locks do accept traditional keys, the main advantage of using the same technology as found in car key fobs to open your front door is that everything is in the cloud (your data is encrypted). With Lockitron you can create multiple “keys” and pass them around to friends via email. You also no longer have to worry if you’ve locked your apartment in the morning, as you can just control the lock from your phone.

Says co-founder Paul Gerhardt, “I wanted to be able to email a key or text a key to somebody else, the technology was there, it just needed a good experience on top of it.”
The app is particularly useful for people who need to have multiple efficient ways to enter a shared building. For example, the initial beta was sixty Lockitrons installed, supporting 400 users.

Schlage, a giant in the lock space, also has a smart phone unlocking product that is available at a $9 a month fee and a $300 hardware price point. That product is more hardware focused and not nearly as accessible to end users, according to founders Gerhardt and Cameron Robertson. Text is the only Lockitron subscription feature at $5 a month.

Apigy, the company behind Lockitron, wants to be seen as appifying hardware and has a Lockitron iPhone and Android app in the works for its next project. But the founders have set their sights beyond locks, “At the end of the day we just want to make sure that there’s one less thing in your pocket,” Gerhardt said.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Aims To Make Your Smartphone The ‘Wallet Of The Future’

Do you like your wallet? Too bad. Pageonce, the one-stop shop for managing your financial accounts, wants to turn your smartphone into the wallet of the future. Though, the last time I checked, Apple wasn’t planning to offer the iPhone in leather. Or snakeskin. We’re still getting excited over the fact that it comes in white. But that’s not slowing down Pageonce, which allows you to track your bank accounts, credit cards, investment and travel plans, monitor bills and manage your money, from your mobile phone — and the Web, if you’re old school like that.

Pageonce users can use the service to get a quick overview of their present cashflow, check to see when their next credit card or mortgage payment is due, monitor accounts for suspicious activity and eCards from Anonymous, view overdraft fees, and so on. The goal of Pageonce, besides allowing you to manage financial accounts from the comfort of your mobile phone (I mean, wallet), is to help you save money. Considering consumer credit debt in the U.S. arrived at $796.1 billion in March, I’d say there are a few of us out there who could benefit from services that help manage our finances — and debt.

Beginning today, the Palo Alto-based startup will have some more financial assistance of its own, announcing that it has closed a $15 million series B funding round. The investment was led by Morgenthaler Ventures, with contribution from existing investors Pitango Ventures and Chairman of the Board, Liron Petrushka. Pageonce has raised $25 million to date.

The startup will use the new round of funding to continue to expand its product offerings and refine its mobile applications, which are offered for free on iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7 and Android devices.

For me, the cool thing about Pageonce is that it informs the user about potential money-saving opportunities with comparative financial services, like cheaper credit card rates, insurance, and interest rates. It also comes with a calendar view that shows you when it’s time to pay your bills, something that Bank of America seems to like to make as difficult to discover as possible. Or maybe that’s just me. It also allows me to track cell usage, data and text usage and do so all on one screen. Useful.

Pageonce is free, so that means it makes its money from partnerships and advertising. Ad-based business models sometimes scare me, so hopefully the startup uses its new $15 million to ensure that mobile users aren’t bombarded with ad spam. Just a thought.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to Get Off Apple Crack - Diggnation

Evoz is in the midst of raising a first round of funding..

Very soon (as in: in the next few days), I’ll become a father for the first time. And of course, as every existing parent seems to know, babies cost money. One of those unbearable things young parents need to purchase without further ado, is a baby monitoring system.

Me and my wife already bought one, but while we were evaluating existing systems I couldn’t help but notice that even the more advanced ones on the market today seem little more than glorified walkie-talkies.
A couple of weeks ago, knowing that I would soon become a dad, Jyri Engestrom nudged me and said he had stumbled upon a fledgling company, Evoz, that set out to build a baby monitoring system for the always-connected generation, and that I should check it out.

A couple of emails with the startup in question later, yesterday I finally got a live demo from the company’s founder Avishai Shoham. The verdict? It’s freaking amazing.
Imagine if you had an iPhone or iPod touch to spare, and that you’d simply install it in a charger in your young child’s room like you would any baby monitor.

Now imagine that an always-on application installed on the device would let you call in from anywhere in the world to hear how your baby is sleeping (or exactly how hard he or she is crying, or if you’re lucky, laughing or playing). Imagine that you could also opt to receive ‘quiet’ alerts by SMS or email whenever your kid cries for longer than, say, 5 minutes, so you can give the babysitter a quick call to see what’s up after e.g. a meeting or dinner.

Imagine that the app also automatically collects data on the sleeping and crying behavior of your child, and that you could analyze that data to see if he or she matches the behavior of children of the same age. And that you could just as easily get in touch with a network of baby health experts or sleep consultants if you have any questions or concerns.

Evoz lets you do all that, and more. The company isn’t quite ready to launch yet, but intends to roll out its service more broadly in the next few months. Shoham tells me the company will eventually support multiple mobile platforms. Also in the works: a proprietary hardware unit so you don’t necessarily need a spare iOS or Android device to monitor your baby (prototypes are already in the wild, however, and you can see what it looks like in the image above).

Early adopters with young children (aged 18 months or less) that own at least 2 iOS devices (iPod touch, iPhone, iPad) and don’t mind testing out an unpolished product and provide feedback to the team can apply for early access to Evoz Monitors here.
Please note that you’re required to fit the above criteria to get in – only 20 fast responders will be allowed access to the private beta service.

Jumptap Mobile Advertising | Best ROI for Advertisers | Highest Yields

Jumptap Mobile Advertising | Best ROI for Advertisers | Highest Yields: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Check out Hitmaker 1.7

Noisetoys, creators of music discovery and promotion App Hitmaker, have come out with another hit this week. In the same App-discovery space as Explor and Chomp, Apptidude is an iPhone App that shows you the iPhone Apps that your friends have most likely downloaded, all based on their posts and Likes on Facebook.

“Quitely” launching in the App Store this week, the App recommendation App is currently number 29 in the App Top Free Apps list, most likely because it incorporates social elements and Facebook Connect as a way of gaging what’s actually hot in the anti-social Apple App Store, where homegrown Top 25 lists leave much to be desired.

When you initially open Apptitude and log onto Facebook you see a scrollbar of your Facebook friends stack-ranked by the number of apps they’re using. When you click on your friends’ profiles you can swipe through a series of chosen apps and you can also to drill down into specific stats about how many Facebook friends use the app, many people have Facebook Liked the app as well as into the ability to download directly to your phone.

Apptitude creator Shalin Mantri hopes to use all this social app data to eventually create a better way of finding relevant iPhone apps, and tells me that an eventual Facebook-powered recommendations list based on what apps are trending in your social graph will be including in v1.1, which Apptitude will be submitting to the App Store next week. Wish I could be a fly on the wall in the iOS review room on that one.
You can download the App here.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Laptop gear

Could his beautiful, svelte, and decidedly black laptop be the new Macbook Pro that should land in stores on or around the ides of March or early April?
Probably not, but a girl can dream. Why does it look fairly convincing? Well, as 9to5mac points out, Intel has leaked future MacBooks before and there is some evidence of new MacBooks in the pipe for Best Buy and others.
Read more…

Creatively in a way that won’t make your friends giggle or cringe.

Deep down, each of you has an inner artist yearning to break free and expose your creative juices to the world. Unfortunately that inner artist probably isn’t especially talented — or is at least very out of practice — which is probably why you’ve kept it locked up for so long.

But fear not: CHROMAom is a startup that wants to help, by making it as easy as possible to express yourself creatively in a way that won’t make your friends giggle or cringe. It boils down self-expression to the creation of color palettes — a smattering of five colors that look good together — and tonight, it’s releasing an app called ColorSchemer for the iPhone. You can grab the app from the App Store right here for $2.99.
CHROMAom actually has a fairly interesting history — the startup resulted from the fusion of color-sharing community COLOURlovers and ColorSchemer, which makes software for matching colors. After the companies merged, CHROMAom received funding from Y Combinator earlier this year.

Fire up the ColorSchemer app and it will prompt you to start throwing colors together. This is pretty intuitive — you tap on a color wheel, then tap the next open spot in your palette, tap the color wheel again, and so on. But what if you’re still having trouble coming up with something you’re proud of? Well, ColorSchemer has you covered — take a snapshot of something that you thinks looks cool, and it lets you select the colors present in that photo.

You can then take this color palette and share it with the 450,000 members on COLOURlovers, the social network that revolves around designs and colors. The app includes other COLOURlovers integration as well: you can browse through palettes shared by otherusers, leave comments, mark your favorite palettes, and use the other social features on the site.

Will it be a hit? Probably not on the same order as photo-based creative sharing apps like Instagram, but the application is polished and already has an established audience of color fans. My only major gripe is that you can’t currently upload the photo you’ve used to generate a palette, but the company says that this will be coming in the next release.

CHROMAom says that it’s profitable — while the COLOURlovers social network is free, the company generates money through its software sales (including a desktop version of ColorSchemer), advertising, and sponsorships.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reveals BlackBerry PlayBook Versions

In case you were holding out for a BlackBerry PlayBook: good news. Research In Motion this morning announced (expected) plans to make the tablet computer available in more than 20,000 retail outlets in the U.S. and Canada. Indeed, pricing starts at $499.

In the U.S., outlets include AT&T, Best Buy, Office Depot, RadioShack, Sprint and Staples.
Best Buy has already announced that the tablet computer is scheduled to be available from all Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile stores in the United States, as well as Best Buy and Future Shop stores in Canada, on April 19.

At Best Buy, the BlackBerry PlayBook with Wi-Fi will come in three models, featuring 16GB, 32GB or 64GB of storage at $499, $599 and $699 respectively.
BB customers can place their orders beginning today by visiting their local Best Buy store or by ordering on-line

Friday, March 18, 2011

MAri sama-sama tukar internet news..9

The idea of turning your mobile phone into a digital wallet has a long and fruitless history. People are getting excited again about the prospect of mobile wallets replacing those in your pocket overstuffed with receipts and credit cards because both Google and Apple are pursuing the concept. The key technology that could make mobile wallets a reality are near field communication (NFC) chips. Google is already supporting NFC chips in Android phones such as the Nexus S and is expected to roll out tests of wave-and-pay systems at stores in New York City and San Francisco. Apple has been working on putting its own NFC chips in iPhones since at least last summer, although recent reports suggest the technology won’t be ready for the next iPhone 5.

There is no doubt that if Apple or Google can make NFC chips in phones a mainstream payment option, it could upend the payments industry and put either of these two technology companies smack in the middle of billions of dollars of commercial transactions. Apple could tie the mobile wallets to people’s iTunes accounts, and Google could tie it to Google Checkout or some other account. But before that happens, there are a few things standing in their way: Local merchants, credit card companies, and consumer behavior.

In order for mobile wallets to take off, they not only need to be built into millions of phones (Apple and Google will solve that problem), new NFC-chip readers also need to be installed at millions of retailers so that consumers can wave phones at checkout. These readers cost a few hundred dollars each, and retailers need one per cash register. Local merchants and even national retailers are not going to be jumping at the chance to spend money on this equipment until NFC chips are standard in practically every new mobile phone. Google might need to initially subsidize the NFC readers is it wants merchants to adopt them (Apple probably wouldn’t do that, “subsidize” is not a word in its vocabulary).

Once the NFC chips are in both enough handsets and retail registers, then an even bigger hurdle needs to be overcome: consumer behavior. Waving your phone to pay for something is not a natural act. I have an NFC chip in my Chase ATM/Visa card (they call it Blink), and I have never once used it. I would never even think to use it. Waving a card (or phone, for that matter) over a reader is not a huge improvement in ease or convenience to simply swiping a credit card. Credit cards work. More importantly, people know how they work. They are not going to stop swiping and start waving without some incentive to do so.

But okay, let’s say that brands start tying rewards with mobile payments and everyone switches over. It is very likely that the merchants will start to become unhappy. Why? Imagine you are in line at a checkout with your iPhone or Android equipped with an NFC chip for mobile payments. The cashier asks you to tap your phone on the reader. But what are you doing? You are checking your email, sending a Tweet, or checking into Foursquare, and you tell the cashier to hold on a minute. That’s right, you’re holding up the line.
In the end, merchants only care about two things: speeding up their checkout lines and cutting costs. Mobile wallets will fail on both those counts. Without getting merchants on board, mobile payments will be a bust.

But wait, there’s one more huge obstacle. The credit card companies don’t want to be shoved aside by new payment systems. They will fight tooth and nail against adoption of these technologies or insist that the payments be tied to credit card accounts. But even if your iPhone becomes tied to your Visa account, credit card companies still lose. Right now, their brands are very tangible things that you keep in your wallet and hold in your hands. Their brands are front and center every time you pay with your card. But once they are relegated to the status of an app on your phone, they won’t seem nearly so important.

So don’t count the lowly credit card out just yet. More and more, you will probably see deals lik the one American Express struck with Foursquare, where the physical swipe of a card triggers special offers and loyalty rewards. All of the benefits of a mobile wallet—loyalty tracking, geo-coupons, group discounts—can just as easily be tied to physical credit cards. And they will be. It’s a good thing NFC chips can be used for other applications besides just payments.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Rapat Software Online FuzeBox Developer API Akhbar..

FuzeBox,一个网络会议软件的开发商,已经发布了新的API,为软件开发人员数,包括该公司在第三方应用软件协作技术。 类似GoToMeeting或WebEx,引信提供会议服务,允许用户共享屏幕和运行在线会议。相对于竞争对手,引信承诺一个更光滑的界面和更轻便 最近推出 多党桌面和移动视频,高清质量会议。引信还提供应用服务 在iPad, iPhone和 机器人。



对于背景下,公司,该公司的前身是Callwave,始建于1998年,在2004年上市了,在纳斯达克上市交易,股票代码为呼叫。该公司最终从纳斯达克摘牌,并在2009年夏天本身,公司改名为引信盒,本身 推出引信会议。 引信还 推出Tweetshare, 一个品牌的Twitter的渠道平台,基于流媒体的发明者带来 艾伦博士李普曼 其媒体技术执行副总裁。

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

“Come see what’s new for the Mac on October 20

The iPad 2 nears! An iPad 3 is on the horizon! iPhone 5 is coming! Maybe an iPhone nano! New MacBook Pros! New iMacs! Maybe even an Apple television! Of all the Apple rumors out there right now, there’s a odd lack of talk about something we know is coming — and soon: OS X Lion.

Back in October of last year, Apple gave an official sneak peek of Lion and stated that it would launch in “summer 2011″. The first official day of summer is exactly 4 months away. And yet, Apple has been largely silent about the new OS since that preview four months ago. We now have the Mac App Store which we know will be a key ingredient, and likely points to some other things about the OS as well. But there has been no official update out of Apple about Lion. So where does it stand?

Well, first of all, from what we’re hearing, Apple is now using it internally. That they’re testing it shouldn’t be surprising, but it’s apparently being widely used internally. Recent statistics seem to confirm this. Looking over the TechCrunch logs, it seems that OS X 10.7 (Lion) has been seeing a surge of usage in recent weeks. After peaking in late August/early September, stats fell off a bit. But now they’re soaring again, indicating that full-scale internal testing is underway.

And while we already know some of the new features thanks to Apple’s preview, there are still a few surprises, apparently. One of these is a much-anticipated UI overhaul. But that means that developers are going to need to be ready when it rolls out. And along those lines, we’re hearing that a developer beta should begin soon. There’s no firm timetable for this yet, but again, we’re only 4 months away from the summer.
Apple has also been busy prepping the lastest version of OS X Snow Leopard, 10.6.7. And developers have been receiving builds of it for weeks now. But that development cycle will remain separate from the OS X 10.7 track.

Meanwhile, new MacBook Pro updates are slated for this Thursday, and that may include hardware slightly modified to run the new OS X better. These are likely to be the last hardware updates before OS X Lion hits. Bigger trackpads for better multi-touch support? A dedicated SSD element for the OS? We’ll see.
All we know for sure is that the sleeping Lion is stirring, and about to get a lot louder so it can roar this summer.

Most of the revenue came from Europe with 116.2% growth

Remember Archos? With all this talk of Droids v. iStuff, Archos’ stable and handsome PMP/Tablet line has been cast by the wayside, relegated to a distant third place where it commiserates daily with Creative and the Zune. However in many markets Archos is still a leader and now they have the financials to prove it.
According to a recent release, Archos hit 83 million Euro in revenue compared to 59 in 2009. Most of the revenue came from Europe with 116.2% growth and, surprisingly, an over two-fold increase in revenue in America.
Read more…

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eqentia is a powerful enterprise platform for aggregating, curating, consuming, analyzing and re-publishing web news content.

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are using these social stream sto filter their news, and a whole bunch of apps (like Flipboard) are tapping into that to present your social news feed in more appealing ways. But a Toronto startup called Eqentia is approaching the problem from a different angle. It indexes 100,000 articles a day across blogs and news sites, puts them through a semantic engine to categorize them into every topic imaginable, and only then does it look at how much social attention each article is getting. Social comes last, not first.

What you get is a personal news page organized by topics and sub-topics that you want to follow (business, technology, iPad news, mobile web, cloud computing). Headlines can be sorted by time, social attention, or preferred sources. Eqentia is designed to create a competitive intelligence dashboard were you can create essentially an alerts page for specialized news about any micro-topic, but these also roll up into broader topics. Each topic page shows recent tweets about that topic in a sidebar widget. The news search is also pretty powerful because of all the implicit categorization and content mining that Eqentia does.

Eqentia has been around a couple of years, but it recently cleaned up its design and launched a few new features, including a personal news stream that syncs with your Twitter favorites and Google Reader shared items. Any Tweet with a link that you favorite on Twitter will appear in your personal stream, along with starred and shared items in Google Reader. Eqentia also offers a browser bookmarklet that lets you start tracking news about topics simply by highlighting them in your browser page. If you make your personal stream public, others can follow it, opening up the service to social curation of the news.

Some of the topic streams can be delivered to other news readers such as Flipboard if you don’t like its user interface. The site could still use some streamlining in terms of making it easy for people to jump in and start using it, but there are some powerful technologies under the hood.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Akhirnya! SONOS Untuk Release App Controller Android Pada bulan Mac

Ah, Sonos. Once you’ve tried it you never go back. The trouble was that it used to cost thousands of dollars to get your home set up to stream music from any wifi connected hard drive to the Sonos speakers. Here’s my Sonos review from way back in 2006.

Then things started to happen. Most notably they released the Sonos ZonePlayer S5, a lower cost Sonos device that could be controlled via an iPhone or iPod Touch. And, last year, they finally had an iPad controller app.

But nothing for Android. Always promised in the near future, but we had to wait. And wait.
And now the wait is over. Sonos says the Android app will be released in March. Details here.
There are some nifty feature that the iOS folks don’t get. Deeper hardware integration allows you to control the volume on Sonos devices via the physical volume buttons on your Android phone, for example.

“We think we make the best wireless music system for the iPhone. Now we make the best wireless music system for the Android, too,” says Sonos marketing director Thomas Meyer.

TigerText Melancarkan Versi Enterprise Dari Perkhidmatan Texting Swasta

TigerText, a company that develops a private SMS app, is launching an enterprise version of its product today. Called TigerTextPRO, the service allows companies to deploy their own private and secure mobile network in hours.

As we reported last year, TigerText’s mobile apps allows users to send text messages or photos that can then be deleted off both the sender’s and receiver’s phone after a selected period of time. Once a sender selects the message lifespan (from 1 minute up to 30 days), expired messages are not only deleted from both phones, but are not stored on any server and they cannot be retrieved once expired. Users can also select a “Delete on Read” option, which will delete the text 60 seconds after the recipient opens the message.

TigerTextPro allows organizations to deploy a private, secure mobile network to allow employees can privately communicate on their existing mobile devices within a company.

With the enterprise version of the app, users download the app on their company smartphones (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows 7) and perform a one-time login to get authenticated. Administrators can then use a web-based tool to control archiving policies, create groups and perform simple user management. The PRO version provides companies, health care institutions and government agencies with administrative and policy-level controls reduces liability and risks of data leakage while enhancing employee communication and productivity.

Already a number of companies in the healthcare and financial sectors are using the Pro version so employees can communicate via SMS without the risk of privacy issues. The startup, which faces competition from Kik Messenger, has raised $1.9 million in angel funding from Herb Madan and the co-founder of Akamai, Randall Kaplan.