Friday, July 29, 2011

HTC Status Goes Up For Pre-Order On AT&T | TechCrunch

HTC Status Goes Up For Pre-Order On AT&T | TechCrunch

Facebook是最大的社交网站,以及世界。但不是在中国。 Facebook和Twitter是由中国长城防火墙的封锁。微博客服务新浪微博在中国的鞭子。 HTC知道它的市场,因此,稍微改良后的 状态/莎莎 针对中国市场。飘的是Facebook的标志,而不是一个微波烧眼睛标志的专用按钮。

其余手机似乎不变。 2.1姜饼和一个800MHz的CPU上运行的HTC Sense。有一个3.4英寸480 × 320屏幕,铝制车身和一个500万像素的摄像头。宏达只是改变了一个小按钮为不同的市场。


Get pretty much anything done by awesome people | TaskRabbit

Get pretty much anything done by awesome people | TaskRabbit

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Flingo最终目标是合并电视和网络,允许像福克斯,Showtime和Etsy的65人的媒体合作伙伴建立的应用程序,集成。此外Flingo 顶部平台和其气垫船含量的检测算法的基础上,其自己的应用程序,允许各种增加用户交互。 “每场演出的一个口语化的光泽”是如何纳文所描述的那样,“我认为我们与智能电视做的是增加了一层情报。”
随着这些应用程序,Flingo平台提供了一个功能,称为 一扔, 它允许用户“扔”或推入他们的电视屏幕和手机使用一扔书签的内容从他们的浏览器。用户还可以使用书签在Twitter到Facebook上分享的内容。

Friday, July 1, 2011

a startup that develops sleek social photo creation and categorization tools for Facebook

Today Pixable, a startup that develops sleek social photo creation and categorization tools for Facebook and other photo sharing sites, is releasing its own photo sharing infographic focused on photo-sharing and the ‘hard knock’ life of a photo on Facebook.

Pixable’s service, which has 800,000 users, allows people to use of all their Facebook and image sharing site photo content like captions, tagging information, comments, and birthdays to make albums, slideshows, calendars and nor artwork. Pixable’s browser-based simplifies the creation of albums, making it easy to use for anyone. One of Pixable’s early applications was a nifty tool that allows you to make mosaics of your Facebook photos.

The infographic takes a look at the life of a Facebook photo based on whether you took the photo with a film camera, digital camera, mobile phone or a new version of the iPad.

Pixable also recently took a data dive on Facebook profile photos, revealing that 10 percent of all Facebook photos are profile pics. And the number of profile photos uploaded per user has tripled since 2006. On average, the typical profile photo has 2 likes and 2 comments.